For those that been following us, welcome back. And for those of you who are new to GMD, welcome to Goldminded Records new official website! We have been grinding down on this for months now. Guttermunk has done a Phenomenal job making sure all the bases are covered and every detail is just right. I am proud to finally have a new site in house and not have to rely on a money hungry scumbag sack of shit like we had to in the past, haha. We are now full in control of dictating the content release schedule and making changes to the site directly without it costing us. One thing you can be assured of is continued updates on new content and releases through the label. Everyone is hard at working creating new material to feed your ears and soul. So make sure to support us in our future endeavors so we can continue to bring that pulse pounding Hip-Hop that we deliver and you love! We thank you all for taking the time to browse around and check out the new site. We are looking to integrate more useful information and content as well so stay tuned!! Thanks and welcome to the madhouse!!
Goldminded Records is ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!!