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Note: Newsletter exclusive coupon codes coming in June 2017! Joining now will not interrupt your code next month, so don’t wait!

Klive Kraven drops 12 albums in 12 months!
Yup, that is not a typo. Klive Kraven will be releasing a series of 12 full length albums over the next 12 months starting in June. The first release drops on June 15th (Which also happens to be our 16th year in business to the day!). The release of these projects in this manner is to showcase our long history in creating dope music and to show that we are not going anywhere anytime soon! If you are a Klive Kraven fan this is going to be a GREAT year to be backing the big guy. If you are not familiar with Klive yet, then this is a great way to discover a multitude of new music from the man himself in a short span of time. The first release dropping is the following up to 2014’s “My Life in Black & white” aptly titled: “My Life in Black & White 2”. Make sure to follow the site for more details as the project gets closer!

That’s a BIG fucking sale!
Well, as I am sure you noticed when you first entered the site, we are currently holding a sale on EVERYTHING we have in stock minus Klive Kraven’s “Death Comes in The Dawn”. At the moment our entire stock is 35% off until June 1st. That is a full MONTH that this grand opening sale is running. So go get yourself some new tunes and other merch right now with a HUGE discount! We appreciate all our fans and supporters and in light of this we wanted to give you guys and gals a little something back in return. So please take advantage and get yourself some GMD merch while the prices are through the floor! Happy hunting!!

Goldminded Records is ALIVE! It’s ALIVE!!
For those that been following us, welcome back. And for those of you who are new to GMD, welcome to Goldminded Records new official website! We have been grinding down on this for months now. Guttermunk has done a Phenomenal job making sure all the bases are covered and every detail is just right. I am proud to finally have a new site in house and not have to rely on a money hungry scumbag sack of shit like we had to in the past, haha. We are now full in control of dictating the content release schedule and making changes to the site directly without it costing us. One thing you can be assured of is continued updates on new content and releases through the label. Everyone is hard at working creating new material to feed your ears and soul. So make sure to support us in our future endeavors so we can continue to bring that pulse pounding Hip-Hop that we deliver and you love! We thank you all for taking the time to browse around and check out the new site. We are looking to integrate more useful information and content as well so stay tuned!! Thanks and welcome to the madhouse!!

They Came In The Dawn Contest
In honor of the launch of the new website, we’re extending our “They Came In The Dawn” giveaway contest indefinitely and giving you more time to develop a creative way to spread the word about Klive Kraven’s latest release, “Death Comes in The Dawn” for a chance at an epic prize package of exclusives:
- Physical copy of “Death Comes in The Dawn” signed by Klive Kraven with 2 alternate artwork cover inserts
- Single-run, one-of-a-kind 11×17 print of the “Brutal Behemoths” signed by Klive Kraven and artist Guttermunk
- (1) Random DVD from Klive Kraven’s personal Wall of Horror, signed by Klive Kraven
- (1) Copy of the latest and greatest from Unearthed Films, creators of the film inspiring the track by the same name from the new album, “American Guinea Pig”, signed by director Stephen Biro and members of the Unearthed Team
- (1) Goldminded Records classic logo t-shirt
- Goldminded Records 11×17 poster
- Exclusive “Brutal Behemoths” digital download remix track
- DO WHAT YOU DO: We want to see what you can do. Use whatever talent you have and find a way to produce your own project, pulling inspiration from or promoting Klive Kraven’s latest release, “Death Comes in The Dawn”
- EXAMPLES INCLUDE: photography, video projects, blogs/vlogs, reviews, beats, remixes, artwork, etc. Just do whatever you do on the regular, but with a GMD twist.
- SHOW YOUR WORK: Post your project on your Facebook page, a friends Facebook page and on the Goldminded Records official Facebook page.
JUDGES: Klive Kraven, Queen Kaotic, Guttermunk, LBC and Fiswat
DEADLINE: June 1st, 2017

Music Videos
Get a custom music video filmed and edited by a Goldminded Records video director at a single location, multiple locations can be added. Contact us for more details.

Get a custom photoshoot done at a location of your chosing, multiple locations can be done as well! Contact us for more details.

Graphic Design
Get your next album cover, flier, banner, dvd cover, poster, tee shirt design, ect. done by our professional design team! Contact us for more details.

Mixing & Mastering
Get your track mixed, mastered or even mixed and mastered by Klive Kraven for Goldminded Records Studios. Contact us for more details.